Good Credit Is Your

Quickly and reliably level-up your credit with  Credit Delete Geeks – The fun, AI-assisted way to delete bad credit.

Your journey to GOOD CREDIT

begins with eliminating bad credit entities

  • 100% online
  • Automated credit data import
  • AI-accelerated credit analysis and restoration strategy
  • Expert guide and mentor (your very own CDG superhero)
  • Fun, engaging progress reporting and feedback
  • Fast results (as fast as 30-180 days)
  • Online application process

Start the journey NOW

Revitalize yourself through
credit restoration

Our superheroes are here to help you! Get approved. Qualify for the best interest rates. Level-up in our program to align with your ambitions.

Successful Clients

Our goal is to empower our clients to achieve and maintain good credit. Reaching our goal consists of:


We bring decades of strategy and expertise to help you achieve your goals.


We are sensitive to the impact of bad credit — so we set realistic expectations and help you achieve them.


Our superhero AI-assisted process revolutionizes our capacity to assist clients – not replace it.

Credit Delete Geeks

How it Works

Obtain your Information

We retrieve credit reports from the 3 credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian and Transunion.

Analyze your report

We begin looking into erroneous, inaccurate, unverifiable and negative information.

Recommend your credit solution

We create a successful gameplan using our expert AI technology paired with years of experience.

Investment is for qualified items to be included in the Al Process

Level up your credit by obtaining a tri-merge report

Level up your credit by obtaining a tri-merge credit report to see if you qualify for services.

Break The Chains of Bad Credit

Get approved.
Get the best interest rates.
Level-up your Credit Score to match your ambitions.

Start eliminating the bad credit entites on your report